Passing in Custom User Data for BigCommerce (Blueprint Themes)

  1. Go to "Storefront" > "My Themes" in your BigCommerce dashboard.
  2. Under the "Current Theme" section click "Edit HTML/CSS". This will open a new browser window.
  3. On the left side of the page you will see a section titled "Files used by this template:". From that list select the file titled "Footer.html".
  4. Immediately before the last "</div>" in the file create a new line. On that line add the following code snippet:
  window._loq = window._loq || [];
  var customData = {
    name: '%%GLOBAL_CurrentCustomerFirstName%% %%GLOBAL_CurrentCustomerLastName%%',
    email: '%%GLOBAL_AccountCurrentEmail%%'
  window._loq.push(['custom', customData]);

By default this snippet will send a signed-in customer's name and email address as custom data. If you wish to send other information about the customer you may use the variables that BigCommerce provides for their Blueprint themes from this list:

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