How do I set up an Email Report?

Note: You must have Email Report permissions to access the Email Reports feature.
If you do not see the Email Reports option, please contact your account master.

To set up an  Email Report, log into the specific Site Dashboard dashboard you are wanting to set up.

1) To access the Email Reports click on the settings gear in the upper right hand corner, then select Email Reports.

2) In the top part of the Email Reports section, you can edit your desired  Delivery Settings.  

- You can choose to receive your Email Reports Daily or Weekly, along with the time of the day you would like to receive your report.

Pro Tip: If you click "Apply to all My Sites," all delivery settings will apply to all websites you have Email Report permissions for.

3) Finally, you can set which main metric you would like reported on. 

- This can be either Unique Visitors to your site, or one of your Behavior Tags

In the Tag Details section, you have the ability to add to four additional Behavior Tags to be reported on. 

Pro Tip: You can easily toggle Email Reports on/off on a site by site basis by clicking on the "Home" Icon in your dashboard, then toggling the email reports settings.

To see a sample Email Report, see this article:  What are Email Reports?

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