Can I make Chat only show on certain pages?
Yes. By adding a bit of JavaScript with Page-Specific Variables, you can achieve this. This will affect both the chat box and the away form.
In this article
Show chat on a single page
If you'd like for chat to only show on a few specific pages, you'll first need to enable the "Never show click to chat button" in Settings -> Chat -> Advanced.
You can then add the following line of JavaScript before the Lucky Orange tracking code on any page for which you'd like to show chat.
<script> window.__wtw_lucky_show_chat_box = true; // Show Lucky Orange chat </script>
Hide chat on a single page
If you want to hide chat, just add the following snippet before the Lucky Orange tracking code. In the code below, replace path/to/chat_disabled_page.html with the pathname of the page you want chat to hide on.
<script> try { // If the current URL contains the name of my chat-disabled page if (window.location.href.indexOf("path/to/chat_disabled_page.html") > -1) { window.__wtw_lucky_no_chat_box = true; // Hide the chat box. } } catch(ex) {} </script>