Can I create custom prebuilt responses for Chat?

Yes. In Lucky Orange, these are referred to as Canned Responses. To create your own, just do the following:


From your Dashboard, click the Settings gear.


Once in Settings, select the Chat sidebar item:


Finally, select Canned Responses from the tabs at the top.

Using Your Canned Responses

Once you've created a custom response, you can use it in any of your chats by doing the following:


In the message field of an active Chat session, enter a hash/number/pound sign ("#").


You'll then be presented with a list of all the Canned Responses you've created:


Begin typing to filter the responses, or simply find the one you're looking for by scrolling through the items.


Once you've located the response you want, click to add it to the message field.

Pro Tip: When a response is highlighted, you can press Tab to have it added to the message field. Alternatively, you can press Enter/Return to bypass the message field, and have the message sent immediately.

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